International tax
Working in an international environment is now part of everyday life for many companies, including small and medium-sized ones.
This makes it necessary to assess how internationalisation should be carried out at different stages of a company’s development. And this always in compliance with domestic tax regulations on issues such as internationalisation through permanent establishments or subsidiaries, managing the risk of foreign ownership and transfer pricing (TP) regulations.
Individuals are also increasingly inclined to invest cross-border. In this context, I also assist Italian citizens in the taxation of property held abroad and financial assets, both with regard to the fulfilment of the so-called ‘tax monitoring’ requirements (RW panel) and the related income aspects.
The attractive tax regimes for foreign workers, for whose benefit due caution is required, have made it very common to deal with these issues.
To be of even greater support to companies and private clients, Bertoncello BPA firm has been selected and certified as a representative of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Dubai (download official certificate).
This makes it possible to support Client who intend to invest in the UAE and more generally in UE, Asia and Middle East (EMEA).